Source code for basilisk.redis_entities

This module defines base classes corresponding to Redis types as well
as Redis model.
from collections import defaultdict
from six import with_metaclass

from .base import RedisModelRegister, RedisModelCreator, MapModelBase, MapModelException

__all__ = ['RedisModel', 'RedisSortedSet', 'RedisModelException', 'RedisHash', 'RedisList']

[docs]class RedisModelException(MapModelException): """ Exception raised when errors related to Redis handling are encountered. """ pass
[docs]class RedisModel(with_metaclass(RedisModelCreator, MapModelBase)): """ This is the base class for Redis models. Internally they are just a Redis hash. This class enables reading object with given id, saving object and data (de)serialization. Redis connection is available in connect property. Dict of fields is available in _fields property. Reserved property names, apart from methods, are _fields, id_field and connect. :type connect: redis.Redis """ __metaclass__ = RedisModelCreator MapModelException = RedisModelException RedisModelException = RedisModelException namespace = 'redis' connect = None
[docs] def save(self, create_id=True): """ Let's save instance's current state to Redis. :param create_id: whether id should be created automatically if it's not set yet. :returns: self """ self._save(create_id) self.connect.hmset(self.get_instance_key(), self.serialize()) return self
[docs] def get_key(cls, oid): """ This function creates a key in which Redis will save the instance with given id. :param oid: id of object for which a key should be created. :returns: Redis key. """ return "{0.__module__}.{0.__name__}.{1}".format(cls, oid)
[docs] def get(cls, oid): """ This method gets a model instance with given id from Redis. :param oid: id of object to get. :returns: hydrated model instance. """ data = cls.connect.hgetall(cls.get_key(oid)) if data: return cls(**cls.pythonize(data)) raise RedisModelException('No object with primary key {} of class {}'.format(cls.get_key(oid), cls.__name__))
class RedisSortedSetSlice(object): """ An inner class proxying ranges returned by ZRANGEBYSCORE to enable indexing by count. It does not enable changing elements' values. :type connect: redis.Redis """ def __init__(self, connect, key, start, end): """ This method sets up the properties required by object to work. :param connect: Redis connection. :param key: key where sorted set is kept. :param start: starting SCORE :param end: ending SCORE """ self.connect = connect self.key = key self.start = start or '-inf' self.end = end or '+inf' def __getitem__(self, item): """ This function translates Python index and slice into ZRANGEBYSCORE and returns Redis's response. :param item: index or slice to get. :returns: element or a list of elements. """ if isinstance(item, slice): if item.start is None: start = 0 else: start = item.start if item.stop is None: return self.connect.zrangebyscore(self.key, self.start, self.end, start, len(self)) return self.connect.zrangebyscore(self.key, self.start, self.end, start, item.stop-item.start) else: return self.connect.zrangebyscore(self.key, self.start, self.end, item, 1)[0] def __len__(self): """ Returns Redis-counted number of elements in range. :returns: number of elements in range. """ return self.connect.zcount(self.key, self.start, self.end)
[docs]class RedisSortedSet(object): """ This class is used to proxy Redis's Sorted Sets. It allows value search with pagination and delayed (lazy) key alterations. Indexing works with SCORE, not MEMBER or RANK. set_score and delete_item methods don't interface with Redis directly, but are queued in a change list. :type connect: redis.Redis :type changes: dict """ namespace = 'redis' def __init__(self, name, namespace=None): """ This function creates changelist and remembers the name of this sorted set. By default name is used as Redis key for this instance. :param namespace: name of connection used for this instance. :param name: name of sorted set. """ self.connect = RedisModelRegister(namespace or self.namespace).connect() = name self.changes = defaultdict(list)
[docs] def clear(self): """ I'm tired of you, off you go. Disappear from Redis. NOW. """ self.connect.delete(self.get_instance_key())
def __getitem__(self, item): """ Returns RedisSortedSetSlice for given SCORE or its range passed as a slice. :param item: SCORE or slice [SCORE MIN, SCORE MAX]. :returns: RedisSortedSetSlice for given SCORE or its range. """ if isinstance(item, slice): return RedisSortedSetSlice(self.connect, self.get_instance_key(), item.start, item.stop) return RedisSortedSetSlice(self.connect, self.get_instance_key(), item, item) def __delitem__(self, item): """ Removes elements with given SCORE or in given SCORE range. :param item: SCORE or slice [SCORE MIN, SCORE MAX] """ if isinstance(item, slice): start = item.start or '-inf' stop = item.stop or '+inf' self.connect.zremrangebyscore(self.get_instance_key(), start, stop) else: self.connect.zremrangebyscore(self.get_instance_key(), item, item) def __len__(self): """ Let's see how many items do we have in our set. As returned by Redis. :returns: number of elements in set. """ return self.connect.zcard(self.get_instance_key())
[docs] def set_score(self, item, score): """ This function adds a new element if it's not in Redis and sets its SCORE. You need to call save() to propagate changes to Redis. :param item: element to be added or modified. :param score: element's SCORE. """ self.changes[item].append(float(score))
[docs] def delete_item(self, item): """ This method deletes given element. You need to call save() to propagate changes to Redis. :param item: element to be removed. """ self.changes[item].append(None)
[docs] def lowest(self): """ Returns element with lowest SCORE and its SCORE. :returns: element with lowest SCORE and its SCORE. """ return (self.connect.zrange(self.get_instance_key(), 0, 0, withscores=True) or [(None, 0)])[0]
[docs] def highest(self): """ Returns element with highest SCORE and its SCORE. :returns: element with highest SCORE and its SCORE. """ return (self.connect.zrevrange(self.get_instance_key(), 0, 0, withscores=True)or [(None, 0)])[0]
[docs] def save(self): """ This method analyzes changelist and using as few operations as possible propagates changes to Redis's Sorted Set representing this instance. """ to_remove = [] to_add = {} for key, value in self.changes.items(): if value[-1] is None: to_remove.append(key) else: to_add[key] = value[-1] if to_remove: self.connect.zrem(self.get_instance_key(), *to_remove) if to_add: self.connect.zadd(self.get_instance_key(), **to_add) self.changes.clear()
[docs] def get_instance_key(self): """ This function creates Redis's instance key. :returns: key in which instance will be saved. """ return self.get_key(
[docs] def get_key(cls, name): """ This method creates a Redis key in which instance with given name will be saved. :param name: name of object for which a key is to be made. :returns: key used in Redis for given name. """ return name
[docs]class RedisHash(object): """ This class acts as a proxy for Redis Hash. It enables delayed modifications. __setitem__ and __delitem__ methods don't modify Redis immediately, but are instead queued in a changelist. :type connect: redis.Redis :type changes: dict """ namespace = 'redis' def __init__(self, name, namespace=None): """ This function initializes changelist and remembers name of the hash. By default name is used as Redis key for this instance. :param namespace: name of connection used by this instance. :param name: name of the hash. """ self.connect = RedisModelRegister(namespace or self.namespace).connect() = name self.changes = defaultdict(list)
[docs] def clear(self): """ This removes whole hash from Redis. """ self.connect.delete(self.get_instance_key())
[docs] def get(self, *fields): """ This gets one or many items from Redis. :param fields: list of fields to get. """ return self.connect.hmget(self.get_instance_key(), *fields)
def __getitem__(self, item): """ This function returns value assigned to given key. :param item: key belonging to this hash. :returns: given key's value. """ return self.connect.hget(self.get_instance_key(), item) def __delitem__(self, item): """ Removes given key from hash. :param item: key to be removed. """ self.changes[item].append(None) def __len__(self): """ How many elements are in hash - as Redis says. :returns: number of elements in hash. """ return self.connect.hlen(self.get_instance_key())
[docs] def keys(self): """ This returns list of keys in hash. :returns: list of keys in hash. """ return self.connect.hkeys(self.get_instance_key())
[docs] def items(self): """ This returns key, value pairs available in this hash. :returns: hash's key, value pairs. """ return self.connect.hgetall(self.get_instance_key())
def __contains__(self, item): """ This functions checks for given key's existence in hash. :param item: key to be checked. :returns: boolean """ return self.connect.hexists(self.get_instance_key(), item) def __setitem__(self, item, value): """ Assigns value to key in the hash. :param item: key :param value: value :returns: """ self.changes[item].append(value)
[docs] def save(self): """ This method analyzes changelist and using as few operations as possible propagates changes to Redis's Hash representing this instance. """ to_remove = [] to_add = {} for key, value in self.changes.items(): if value[-1] is None: to_remove.append(key) else: to_add[key] = value[-1] if to_remove: self.connect.hdel(self.get_instance_key(), *to_remove) if to_add: self.connect.hmset(self.get_instance_key(), to_add) self.changes.clear()
[docs] def get_instance_key(self): """ This function creates Redis's instance key. :returns: key in which instance will be saved. """ return self.get_key(
[docs] def get_key(cls, name): """ This method creates a Redis key in which instance with given name will be saved. :param name: name of object for which a key is to be made. :returns: key used in Redis for given name. """ return name
[docs]class RedisList(object): """ This class is a proxy for Redis List. It enables instant modifications to Redis entity. It has only basic operations pythonized at the moment. :type connect: redis.Redis """ namespace = 'redis' def __init__(self, name, namespace=None): """ This function initializes and remembers name of the hash. By default name is used as Redis key for this instance. :param namespace: name of connection used by this instance. :param name: name of hash. """ self.connect = RedisModelRegister(namespace or self.namespace).connect() = name
[docs] def clear(self): """ This removes the list from Redis. """ self.connect.delete(self.get_instance_key())
def __getitem__(self, item): """ Returns value(s) for given index or slice [min, max]. :param item: index or slice. :returns: value or values. """ if isinstance(item, slice): if item.start is None: start = 0 else: start = item.start if item.stop is None: return self.connect.lrange(self.get_instance_key(), start, -1) return self.connect.lrange(self.get_instance_key(), start, item.stop) else: return self.connect.lrange(self.get_instance_key(), item, item)[0]
[docs] def remove(self, item): """ Removes all elements with given value. :param item: value to be removed. """ self.connect.lrem(self.get_instance_key(), item, 0)
[docs] def append(self, item): """ Adds element at the end of the list. :param item: element to be appended. """ return self.connect.rpush(self.get_instance_key(), item)
[docs] def prepend(self, item): """ Adds element at the beginning of the list. :param item: element to be prepended. """ return self.connect.lpush(self.get_instance_key(), item)
[docs] def pop(self, first=False): """ Gets and removes an element from list's edge. By default it's the last element. :param first: Should the first element be popped instead of the last. """ if first: return self.connect.lpop(self.get_instance_key()) else: return self.connect.rpop(self.get_instance_key())
def __len__(self): """ List length as returned by Redis. :returns: number of elements in the list. """ return self.connect.llen(self.get_instance_key()) def __setitem__(self, item, value): """ Assigns a value to given index. :param item: index :param value: value """ self.connect.lset(self.get_instance_key(), item, value)
[docs] def get_instance_key(self): """ This function creates Redis's instance key. :returns: key in which instance will be saved. """ return self.get_key(
[docs] def get_key(cls, name): """ This method creates a Redis key in which instance with given name will be saved. :param name: name of object for which a key is to be made. :returns: key used in Redis for given name. """ return name